About Us

Empower Your Healthcare Procurement with the Industry's Leading Group Purchasing Organization

Experience the power of group purchasing solutions that drive key partnerships, delivering unparalleled value, competitive pricing, and exceptional clinical outcomes. Power Rx is your trusted partner, seamlessly working alongside your team to identify cost-effective and strategic procurement opportunities. With our unwavering commitment to value-based contracting, we help you reduce supply chain expenses and unlock the full potential of our Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) agreements. Leveraging our extensive network of reputable suppliers and employing a modular approach, we offer our partners exclusive pricing that endures over time, ensuring long-term savings and success.

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What makes us different

Leverage Group Purchasing Power with a Customizable Approach

At Power Rx, we bring a fresh perspective to traditional Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) services. Our patient-centered GPO strategies not only deliver the expected benefits but also offer lasting value through our innovative modular design.

By leveraging strategic sourcing and custom contracting, we provide our partners with a range of advantages:

Our strategies go beyond traditional contracts. We focus on creating lasting value through sustainable contracting solutions that are built on clinically proven standards and optimal supplier partnerships. With Power Rx, you can expect contractual relationships that guarantee perpetual optimization, eliminating the need for periodic “initiatives” or “resets.”

What we offer

Power Rx + Solutions

Our Power Rx + Solutions offer innovative techniques for your health care organization to meet its supply chain needs. You get a team of health care operators and clinicians with expertise to guide you through decision making processes.

Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping services involve the systematic recording, organizing, and tracking of a company's financial transactions.

Business Consulting

Business consulting is a professional service provided by experts in various fields to assist organizations in improving their performance.

Business Solutions

Business solutions refer to strategies, services, technologies, or processes that organizations implement specific challenges.

Clinical Services

Its refer to a range of healthcare services provided by trained professionals to diagnose, treat, and manage medical conditions.


E-commerce offers pharmacies the opportunity to broaden their horizons by selling pharmaceutical products and supplies online.

Lab Services

Lab services encompass a wide range of medical and scientific tests, analyses, and procedures performed in clinical and research laboratories.

Legal Assistance

Power RX offers a wide range of legal services, featuring counseling and representation by highly skilled legal experts.

Prior Authorization

Prior authorization, often abbreviated as PA, is a process used in healthcare to obtain approval from a healthcare payer.

Property & Casualty Insurance

Ensure the security of your pharmacy's assets with our comprehensive property and casualty insurance options.

Real Estate Services

Real estate services encompass a wide range of professional activities related to buying, selling, renting, managing, and evaluating.

Staffing Assistance

Its refers to services and support provided to organizations to help them with various aspects of workforce management.

Merchandising Services

Pharmacy Merchandising Services encompass a blend of techniques that focus on product placement and advertising .

Driving Success for Healthcare Partners Nationwide

Our Members

Adding Value at Every Step

Beyond the Standard GPO Experience:

Uncover potential savings and standardization opportunities by analyzing insightful data.
Evaluate market value pricing, benchmarking, supplier communities, and industry trends to identify the best strategies.
Create a customized approach that prioritizes patient quality outcomes, cost savings, and organizational alignment.
Engage key stakeholders across your organization to select and refine the optimal strategy.
Secure specialized supplier contracts through strategic negotiations that benefit healthcare operators.
Empower your operations with the necessary information for seamless implementation of the new strategy.

Power RX Network Solutions

Streamlined Strategic Sourcing and Contracting Solutions

Unlocking Opportunities with Our Comprehensive Services

Power RX Network Solutions

Our Partner

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We are proud to announce that the following companies have joined forces with us to provide products and services that contribute to the thriving success of our pharmacies.

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Unsatisfied with Your Current GPO? Don't settle for less. Discover a Better Solution.